How to boost your immunity to prevent
infections from disease causing
viruses germs bacteria defend your good health against pandemics
Boost your immunity now..
That's how you are going to protect your health The coronavirus Pandemic is really not gone yet
10 in 1 Mushroom Immunity Turbo Booster
14 Mushrooms immune Booster Formula
- Reishi
- Shiitake
- Lion's Mane
- Maitake
- Turkey tail
- Chaga
- White Button Mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus)
- Black Fungus (Auricularia Auricula)
- Cordyceps Sinensis
- Royal Sun Agaricus
Click above Button to Boost Your Immunity, Fortify your body against diseases
How to build your resistance against diseases and opportunistic infections
Boston University research found you could reduce your risks of Corona virus infection by 54%!
The Corona virus had been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization [WHO]
But this is NOT necessarily a death sentence for you
Mushrooms Have High Vitamin D Content
Best Immunity Booster Mega Packs
10 in 1 Mushroom Immunity Defense
Mushrooms boost immunity, are anti aging, anti inflammatory, full of antioxidants, high in Vitamin D etc.
Click Button below to defend your health

Maybe the most potent immunity booster known. Has ALL known immune factors-97 of them, 87 Growth Factors, Vitamins, Minerals etc.!
Click Image Below

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Elderberry Plus
A 10:1 elderberry extract Contains 4X as much anthocyanins as regular berries Boosts immunity Packed with antioxidants
Click Button below to Get it
Medicinal mushrooms are anti aging They may protect against side effects of chemotherapy, improves gut health Medicinal mushrooms are high in Vitamin D Vitamin D reduces your risks of Covid-19 by 54% according to Boston Univ research
They are anti inflammatory Inflammation is at the root of several diseases, including AGING, CANCER ETC
The good news is You have options..
The Super Immune Boosting Mushroom Complex.. Mushrooms are high in Vitamin D and other immune boosters
10 Mushrooms immune Booster Formula
- Reishi
- Shiitake
- Lion's Mane
- Maitake
- Turkey tail
- Chaga
- White Button Mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus)
- Black Fungus (Auricularia Auricula)
- Cordyceps Sinensis
- Royal Sun Agaricus
Click the button to reduce your risk of Corona virus infection.. and other infections!
You know you have to boost your immunity to protect your health against germs, viruses, opportunistic diseases.. But what makes mushrooms unique for that purpose? Keep reading
Why should you boost your immunity?
The World Health Organization [WHO] Advisory on preventing Corona virus infection
How do you stop a Pandemic such as Coronavirus?
Pandemic Happens ALL the time through human history Remember.. - the Plague
- aids
- ebola
And it is a safe bet that they will happen again!
So how do you protect yourself?
With Healthy lifestyles.. boosting your immunity..
with the Immune Protection Pandemic System
So how do you boost your immunity
to prevent infections from pandemic viruses and other bad actors?
The immune protection pandemic package
Your body's ultimate defense
The Immune Protection Pandemic Package combines ancient knowledge with modern science The result? The most effective way to boost your immunity to prevent infections by life threatening viruses and germs
What is in the Pandemic
Protection Protocol?
The pandemic protection protocol is a combination of the most potent immune boosters known
How the Pandemic Complex Boosts your immunity, protects your health
Mushrooms-a potent immune booster
The Greatest Immune Booster Known
Known as "immmune milk", colostrum may be the greatest immune booster known
Revered in Ayurvedic and African traditions
- Contains all known fatty acids
- Contains all known Probiotics
- Contains all known immune factors
- Modulates and boosts the immune system
- Contains Lactoferin, Leukocytes and other Immunoglobulins to dramatically boost your immunity
- Is anti inflammatory, anti aging
- Colostrum is perhaps the best immune booster known
Click this link NOW to Boost Your Immunity
- A powerful body defense mushroom
- A powerful immune booster
- A rich source of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals Free radicals damage your immune system and cause premature aging
- Chaga protects your immune system during chemo
- A powerful anti-viral
- Studies show Chaga selectively kills Cancer cells
Known as the king of mushroons
- A potent general health tonic
- A powerful product to dramatically boost your immunity
- A strong antioxidant to neutralize free radicals
- Protects cells from mutation and consequently Cancer
- Boosts cells immune response
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3
- Protects against respiratory infection
- Boosts immunity
Could Vitamin D reduce your risk of COVID-19? This Boston University says YES!
Why should you boost your immunity?
Your immune system is your body's Defense
Technically, Vaccines do NOT really heal
What Vaccines do is mobilize your immune system to fight viral infections and other diseases
Your body is under assault from viruses, germs, bacteria thousands of times a day
Ever wonder why you do not die many times a day?
Because your immune system detects, destroys and gets rid of these bad actors!
This is why it is imperative for you to boost your immunity..
EVEN when you do not feel your health is threatened
The simple act of boosting your immunity could be the difference between life and death
Help your body fight infections and foreign substances with healthy lifestyles
Here is how to boost your immunity against the corona virus and other viruses, germs and bacteria that can destroy your health-and that may even send you to an early grave Fortify your body against opportunistic infections
Low immunity will compromise your health An infection that otherwise would have been an inconvenience could end up killing you unless your immunity is at its peak
8 ways to boost immunity against diseases and other infections
1. Get some sleep
Sleep is perhaps the most underrated nutrient-yes, nutrient, to boost your immunity Lack of sleep lowers your immunity, affects almost every aspect of human and plant life Sleep deprivation leads to fatigue, stress and depletion of body nutrients Fatigue, stress and poor nutrition depress your immunity A depressed immunity opens you up to infections An infection that would otherwise be an inconvenience could end up killing you Disrupting the Circadian Rhythm-the 24 hour cycle of sleep and wakefulness, could send you to an early grave
2. Exercise
Exercise improves blood circulation and health in general Blood is helped along the body by a pump.. Your heart! But most of immune factors are in another fluid system, known as the Lymphatic fluid Unlike the blood, the lymphatic system does not have a pump to move it
Exercises move this fluid and immune factors to every part of the body, fight infections and keep you healthy These are several ways even moderate exercises boost your immunity and cleanse your body of impurities
3. Manage and Reduce Stress
Stress can lead to - Fatigue
- Loss of sleep
- Depletion of nutrients
- Irritability
- Production of stress hormones
All these lower your immunity
- Boost your immunity by getting some sleep
- Practicing some relaxation techniques such as Meditation, Biofeedback, Vacations, Breaks at work etc.
4. Good Nutrition
Good nutrition is at the heart of good health according to the World Health Organization
Poor nutrition
- Lowers your immunity
- Causes free radical damage
- Could lead to inflammation
- Causes Premature aging
Eat right, boost your immunity and fortify your body against infections
5. Stop Smoking
- Causes oxidative stress
- Depletes nutrients
- Causes hardening of the arteries-this prevents good circulation, limits the amount of nutrients getting to the cells
- Lowers immune response
- Impairs the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells
- Causes fatigues because the cells cannot get adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients
- Increases risks of Cancer
6.Do not drink alcohol to excess
Alcohol in moderation may not harm you, but excessive alcohol consumption would
Excessive alcohol..
- Causes fatigue
- Causes stress
- Destroys gut bacteria and leads to poor digestion..
over 75% of your immunity is tied to gut health
- Leads to poor nutrition as the body consumes more nutrients to repair the damage done to the body by alcohol
- Causes more stress
- Damages the immune system
Stop excessive drinking to increase your resistance to corona virus and other infections
7. Wash your hands
Sounds simple, doesn't it?
But you would be surprised at how we unconsciously get our dirty hands into our mouths, faces and noses
- Wash hands with soap and hot water for a few minutes
- If you cut raw meat on a board, wash your hands and disinfect the board thoroughly
- My "expert advice?"
Cut your nails short so no virus can use them as hiding places
8. Keep a Healthy Social Distance
- Reduce your risks of infection by keeping a healthy distance from people who look sick
- If someone is discharging from sneezing or coughing, get as far away from that space as far as is practical
Above all, use common some sense
Here again are the ingredients in the Mushroom Immune Defense Formula
10 Mushrooms immune Booster Formula
- Reishi
- Shiitake
- Lion's Mane
- Maitake
- Turkey tail
- Chaga
- White Button Mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus)
- Black Fungus (Auricularia Auricula)
- Cordyceps Sinensis
- Royal Sun Agaricus
Other amazing Immune Boosters to Reduce Your Risks of Infections
Peak Digestion Probiotics
Did you know that 80% of your IMMUNITY is tied to digestion?
- Boost immunity
- Increase Good Gut Bacteria
- Help your body absorb more nutrients etc.
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