How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed

Can you overcome premature ejaculation without dangerous drugs


Defeat premature ejaculation and satisfy your woman in bed
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How to defeat premature ejaculation and last as long enough to get your woman to her climaxHow to get hard stay hard and last as long as you want to get your woman to her pleasure peak

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How to last longer in bed

Why you need to stop premature ejaculation fast and give your woman great orgasmPremature ejaculation can force your woman to the arms of another man Stop coming too fast and be the vigorous male your woman deserves

their men can not satisfy them in bed?

Best reason to stop coming too soon, if you ask me!

Premature ejaculation
 natural treatment


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A marathon man ?

How to last longer in bed and sexually satisfy your partnerCure premature ejaculation naturally and give your partner body tingling orgasm every time. Premature ejaculation is sometimes also accompanied with ED. Get hard erection and stop coming too soon. 6600 testosterone side effects lawsuits are scheduled for June 5 2017. Avoid testosterone drugs. They can give you a heart attack, so says the FDA Go natural!

Click the button to overcome premature ejaculation

   Premature ejaculation

    What is Premature Ejaculation?

A lot of men would agree that sex lasting 2 minutes or less defines premature ejaculation

But I would peg it at 5 minutes!

What on earth are you going to enjoy with just 2 minutes of sex?

Both of you have barely had the time to get comfortable in 2 minutes..
..before you wimp out!

Image of how premature ejaculation can ruin your relationship and destroy your confidenceHow can you overcome premature ejaculation? How can you go from a 2 minute man to a marathon man in bed? 1. There is the squeeze technique 2. And how about breath control 3. Transfer of consciousness technique 4. Stop and go etc. These and more are how not to come too soon!

     AND, GET THIS..

Did you know 4 out of 5 women admit they would cheat..


  their men could not give them an orgasm?

That gets you scared

        It should!

Fortunately, you are here.
I am going to share with you techniques on overcoming premature ejaculation.

That way you can go from being a wet noodle in the bedroom to a man of steel in bed for as long as you desire

How not to ejaculate too soon?

Keep reading!

 Premature ejaculation can sap YOUR confidence and self esteem

Let me ask YOU a question

Have you ever experienced the humiliation of having to constantly apologize for coming too soon?

       Sure she tells you:

        Oh, it's O.K..


you know it is NOT O.K!

You start to fret

Your main concern now is to find a way to overcome premature ejaculation..

 BEFORE you lose your woman!

Why do I come too soon, you keep asking yourself

Image of the frustration of a man who ejaculates too soon. I bet this man would like to know how not to come too soon.. ..give his woman toe curling orgasm!How do you overcome premature ejaculation and save yourself from the embarrassment of coming too soon? By behavior modification and by identifying the causes of premature ejaculation and fixing these underlying causes. 4 out of 5 women admit they would cheat IF their man could not satisfy them in bed! Would you want to be one of those men? Well, take advantage of the resources on this page on how not to come too soon.. Give your woman the toe curling orgasm she deserves!

You start to wonder..

  •  Does she feel I am
     now less of a man?

  •  Would she leave for a better sexual experience somewhere else?

  •  What kind of gift do I buy her to make up for my "inadequacy"?

  •  Do I cook her a special meal?


You are now stressed..

Which makes it harder to get an erection the next time!

So you start making excuses to avoid intimacy for fear it might lead to sex..

How on earth are you going to overcome premature ejaculation under such stressful situation?

 And there is the danger that you two might grow further apart!

Stop beating up on yourself!

Estimates are that 1 in 3 men would suffer from premature ejaculation at one time or another


You can extend lovemaking and delay ejaculation until she comes

Premature ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction connection

You are worried about how to overcome premature ejaculation but you may have to worry about something else as serious

Here is something that could compound the problem if you come too soon

Did you know that in a lot

of cases,men who suffer

from premature ejaculation

also suffer from erectile


In fact, the anxiety of not being able to get a hard erection IS what causes some men to come too soon-after they finally manage to get hard!

Does that resonate with you?

It does with a lot of men!

Is it possible that if you can find a way to get erection on demand, you can also overcome premature ejaculation?

How to last longer in bed and give your lover the best orgasm everLast longer in bed, give your lover a marathon sex session without going soft midway Give and get toe curling orgasm every time

Click to learn How not to ejaculate too soon

Benefits of giving your woman an orgasm

  • Better intimacy

  • Better communication

  • Better empathy

  • A deeper sense of love and commitment

  • Higher sense of self esteem

  • A more enduring relationship

  • Fewer arguments in a relationship.
    Have you ever noticed how some arguments seem out of proportion to their cause?

  • She is more likely to forgive you for some crappy stuff you've done!

How to overcome premature ejaculation
and sexually satisfy your woman


      What if..

You woke up one day and the gods just dropped into your lap the knowledge to last longer in bed..

  •  Without drugs

  • Without any funny contraption

  • And the process is repeatable long term

 How would that feel?

  Yeah, that's what I thought!

Well, I can't vouch for the gods giving you a long lasting hard penis, but I can assure you there is a more earthly solution

So if you've been wondering..

How can I stop premature ejaculation and last longer in bed?

You're about to get an answer!
It may not have come from the gods, but it is effective just the same!

But first, let's define what premature ejaculation is..

..then we can talk about WHY you come too soon..

..and then about how you can overcome premature ejaculation, so you can put a smile on your woman's face!


What is premature ejaculation?

There are many definitions of this unpleasant experience, depending on who you ask.

But however you define it, it is a form of sexual dysfunction

Premature Ejaculation Definition 1

Uncontrollable shooting of your load before your partner reaches the top of the hill

Premature Ejaculation Definition 2

Unintentional ejaculating before your partner reaches her orgasm

Premature Ejaculation Definition 3

Loss of control of ejaculation timing before your partner climaxes

Premature ejaculation-a loss of masculinity or control?

However your define premature ejaculation, what is common to all is

loss of control!

No one likes not being in control, especially when it concerns a man's sexuality

Men have enough anxiety

To compound that anxiety with ejaculating prematurely is even more stressful

How do women view premature ejaculation?


You really need to overcome ejaculation



Loss of control of ejaculation timing is more than a physical problem

  • For a lot of women, sex is more than a physical act

  • It is an expression of intimacy, affection and closeness

  • It is a confirmation of mutual affection for each other

  • This affection is strengthened when both of you can give each other an orgasm

Dangers in the absence of an orgasm

Effects of Premature ejaculation in a relationship

If you can't give her an orgasm, the woman starts to think:

  • You don't like her-that she does not excite you anymore

  • You are cheating with someone else

  • You do not measure up anyway

  • Maybe there is no reason to continue the relationship after all!

If there is one major reason to overcome premature ejaculation before she gets her orgasm, there it is!

Without it, you 2 would grow apart and eventually split!!

Post orgasm
 etiquette every man should know

Remember I said earlier on that for a lot of women, sex is an expression of mutual affection and connection?

That's why after that orgasm, women want to cuddle.. is a confirmation of that mutual affection

That's why women do not want you to get up right away and go take a shower

Their desire to cuddle after both of you attain orgasm is an expression of mutual gratitude and satisfaction

Getting up right away to take a shower implies that you had just encountered something dirty..

..and that this dirt needs to be washed away!

An intense orgasm a gift you give each other

Here is another reason to try and stop coming too soon

Do you enjoy giving your lover a gift?

Well, how about if she gives you gifts ALL the time, and you almost never give her anything?

An orgasm is a gift you give your partner for sharing herself with you

Coming too soon is almost like not appreciating that gift

You give so you can get.

Not getting your partner to the top of the hill is like getting without giving!

This is why IF you get off before she does, you need to find ways to overcome ejaculating too quickly before resentments sets in.

What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

If you know what is stopping you from giving your partner the best orgasm, then you'll know how to overcome premature ejaculation.. the mutual benefits of both of you


Depression is a risk factor, not only for premature ejaculation , but also for erectile dysfunction

Depression is a very serious condition. It is a risk factor for a lot of diseases.. strong reason to overcome premature ejaculation before it further complicates your relationship

  Anxiety Premature Ejaculation link

 There are several reasons anxiety can creep in.

  •  Is this your first time with a
     particular partner

     The first sexual
     can be very exciting
     Too much of that can
     cause performance
     anxiety that can
     cause you to drop 
     your load before
     you reach your


Infidelity can also cause premature ejaculation.
The anxiety from the guilt of stepping out on your mate can cause premature ejaculation, and even erection problems

Anger Towards Your Partner

Anger towards your partner of even someone else, can contribute to ejaculating prematurely

Erectile Dysfunction and premature ejaculation

Did you know erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation sometime go hand in hand?

If a man cannot get hard erection on demand, he is a nervous wreck.

On the lucky occasion when he finally does get a hard penis, the anxiety and nervousness of previous failures can make him ejaculate too quickly

    Underlying Relationship Problems

Problems in a relationship are reasons some arguments are out of proportion to their causes.

This can spill into the bedroom
These problems may include:

 a. Resentment

 b. Anger over a previous

 c. Loss of interest in
    your partner

 d. Lack of communication
    about each other's
    sexual needs

 e. Boring sexual 
    routines etc

Unfortunately, these may complicate the desire for both of you to work together so you can overcome premature ejaculation, and give each other mind blowing orgasm!


Diabetes can cause nerve damage. These are the same nerves needed to get an erection
The nerve damage that can result from the complications of diabetes can cause loss of control of your ejaculation timing

Excessive Alcohol Use and Premature Ejaculation

Excessive alcohol can cause liver damage, digestive problems, fatigue, yeast infection etc.

These are risk factors for erectile dysfunction.
More often than not, those who suffer from ED are also prime candidates for  ejaculating before their partners reach orgasm 

    High Blood Pressure

Your heart is intimately involved in sex.
It is your heart that pumps blood-at the right pressure-to your penis to get it hard

High blood pressure can damage your kidneys, weaken your heart, cause strokes, fatigue etc.

From previous, we know that all these are also risk factors for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

But, high blood pressure can also damage your arteries

Your arteries are the primary synthesizers of nitric oxide
Nitric oxide is needed for a hard erection.. fact, in head to head tests, nitric oxide beat Viagra to treat ED!

But nitric oxide is more that an erection molecule.
It benefits the whole cardiovascular system

     Drug Use

  Illegal drug use is another reason men shoot their load before they
intend to

  You need to put down the bottle if you want to overcome premature
ejaculation and satisfy your woman in bed

    Heart problems

 A heart that is not functioning at its peak can contribute to premature ejaculation

The heart is the pump that brings blood to the penis
Getting a hard penis requires that blood is pumped to the penis

Then a valve prevents this blood from leaking back BEFORE the man ejaculates!

If any part of the cardiovascular system is defective, not only would you not be able to get erection, you are also likely to ejaculate too soon


Stress can kill your dick
In fact, stress can kill you-and that's NOT a figure of speech.

Want to overcome premature ejaculation in the presence of uncontrolled stress?


How to defeat premature ejaculation, delay orgasm as long as you wantCauses and treatment of premature ejaculation without drugs Best way to last longer and give your woman tingling orgasm every time

Stress is a risk factor for:

  • Obesity

  • Diabetes

  • Heart problem

  • Memory problems

  • Poor digestion

  • Depletion of nutrients

  • Lack of sleep

  • ED etc.


Here is another bad habit that can cause sexual problems

Not only can smoking cause premature ejaculation, but smoking also can cause clogged arteries.

Clogged arteries prevent adequate blood flow to the penis

Take a look at this post and see how smoking lowers your ability to perform in bed and can ruin your sex life

All you can see from previous, almost all these are risk factors for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation!

   Some Medications

Some medications can predispose you to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

The medications that come to mind include, high blood pressure medications, antidepressants, cholesterol lowering drugs etc.

How to give your woman toe curling orgasm

How your premature ejaculation affects your woman Your woman is frustrated with you coming too fast in bedIf you suffer from persistent premature ejaculation, you could lose your woman to another man If you come too fast for your woman to get her climax, your pillow may be all you have to hug at night Women prefer men who could give them the toe curling orgasms they crave-consistently But what if you could extend lovemaking and have your woman craving for more

But what IF..

 You could-

  •   Overcome premature

  •   Last longer in bed
      all the time

  •   Give your woman toe
      curling orgasms

  •   And achieve all 
      these without 
      dangerous drugs

 You'll love that, won't you?

  What man wouldn't?

Click the Button NOW

Premature ejaculation best treatment

Well, here are ways for you to be that man that puts a smile on his woman's face..

..every time in the bedroom!

How to prolong lovemaking and last give your lover intense orgasmsHow to stop premature ejaculation get hard fast, stay hard longer and come only when you want

Simple ways to overcome premature ejaculation

   Longer Foreplay

Engage in longer foreplay

This helps dissipate the anxiety that you may feel
But there is another bonus..
..a lot of women actually love longer foreplay!

   The squeeze method

You've seen this method discussed everywhere.

It is for me very unromantic and takes the fun away from what sex is supposed to achieve
It almost feels like work..
I thought sex was supposed to be fun!

Anyway, the technique involves your woman squeezing the head of your penis between her thumb and index finger.

This is supposed to delay your ejaculation
You can gather from my tone that I am not a fan of this almost clinical method

But I guess it works for some
Once again, I'm NOT a fan of this method!

   The stop and go method

OK, this I have no objection to

In this method, when you feel the urge coming on, you pause.
Then you can proceed when the urge fades

This can work well if you catch yourself BEFORE you go over the edge

Transfer of Consciousness

Transfer of consciousness can be a very effective way to overcome premature ejaculation

What does this entail?

Well, when you feel the urge:

a. Think and visualize a
   pleasant scene
   Your consciousness
   should be fully 
   engage with this

b. This should be a
   scene that leaves you
   with a strong and
   pleasant experience

c. Word of caution
   You should NOT let
   your partner know
   you're not fully with
   her at this moment's almost like multi-tasking

How does this work to overcome premature ejaculation?

Because your attention is NOT primarily on sex, your body would actually transfer energy to your object of preoccupation

It's almost like mind over matter..

Okay, mind over sex!

Every event requires energy
And since energy has now been transferred to another "event" sex has now been preempted, even if temporarily!

This works!

Intensity and Persistence of Sensation

This is a variation of the transfer of consciousness..
..except this method is even more effective!

It combines the physical and psychological to try and overcome premature ejaculation

 Here is how this method works..

How sensitive is the skin on your penis?
The skin on your penis is as sensitive as the skin covering the back of your hand.

Would you agree that the roof of your mouth is more sensitive that the skin covering your penis?

Go ahead..

  • Run your tongue on the back of your hand..make sure your hand is clean!
  • Now, run your tongue over the roof of your mouth..see how sensitive it is?
    Well, we are going to take advantage of that fact to overcome premature ejaculation!


  Like so..

  • When you feel you are about to lose control, gently rub your tongue back and forth on the roof of your mouth.
    Actually, you can start this technique before you feel you're about to ejaculate

  • YOU proved to yourself earlier that the roof of your mouth is more sensitive than the covering of your penis, right?

    This experience is more intense than the sensation of your penis.
    Your consciousness is now transferred to what is happening at the roof of your mouth!


    The sensation at the roof of your mouth predominates [because it is more intense], and your penis sensation subsides!

    And guess what, the sensation can be surprisingly pleasurable too!

Why Intensity and Persistence of Sensation Works to Overcome premature ejaculation

Have you ever been in a fight?
Well, most of the time, you do not realize you've bruised your knuckles or cut your finger..

UNTIL after the fight!

  Why is that?

Because you're focused on the fight.. your consciousness and energy ARE focused on that fight.

That fight predominates, while the feeling of your injury subsides for the time being..

               WHY IS THAT?


Intensity and Persistence of Sensation could be used in other aspects of life to overcome obstacles and increase productivity!

  Breath Control

 What is the difference between the living and the dead?

Breath, of course!

I know what you're thinking

How does breath have to do with overcoming premature ejaculation?

  EVERYTHING you'll see.

Have you noticed that when you're agitated, nervous, your breathing is fast, your heart beats faster..

..and when you're calm, your breathing slows down?

Let's take advantage of that to overcome premature ejaculation!

    Here's how

During-and even before sex, practice breath control

  • Breathe in deeply

  • Hold that breath

  • And then breathe out

    Some have suggested a 1-4-2 count
    I believe this is too rigorous when you're having sex
    Besides, your partner would notice your labored effort..
    ..the idea is to be discreet.

    My suggestion is a 1-2-1 count

    a. Inhale to your count

    b. Hold the breath for twice as long

    c. Exhale to inhalation count

    Here's how it works:

    1 Inhale to a count of 10-or whatever count you are comfortable with

    2 Hold the breath to a count of 20

    3 Exhale to a count of 10

    Simple, right!

    With practice, you'd find out that your heart slows down, your breathing also slows down.

    This calms you down, lowers your blood pressure.
    And believe me, you'd be more in control of your ejaculation timing

Ejaculation Delay Sprays and Creams

People call these by other names.

But whichever name you call them, what they do is help delay ejaculation

  • They reduce the sensitivity of your penis

  • They help you gain control and identify your point of no return

You can then use this information to train yourself to prolong the sex experience

Do they work?

    You bet they do
                   And very well too!

The reduced sensation can help delay ejaculation and give you more control

BUT, some have some objections to this method.

You engage in sex to FEEL some pleasant sensations

Anything that diminishes that experience takes from the purpose of having sex in the first place

That's the argument

But if it helps you give your woman the intense orgasms she deserves, what's the harm?

Besides, with time, you can actually "learn" to delay ejaculation without these creams

The creams are your training wheels to overcome premature ejaculation!

   Thicker Condoms

This is in the same category as those sensation creams

What they do is reduce the intensity of sensation to give you more control

Again, the objections to this method are the same as the ones for numbing creams

How to last longer in bed1 in 3 men would experience premature ejaculation at some time in their lives. Here is how to overcome premature ejaculation last longer in bed, get and give your lover body tingling orgasm every time

    How not to come too soon

You've seen how you can overcome premature ejaculation on this page

Maybe you'd experienced coming too early and overcome it..

Why not share it with my readers-they would appreciate it

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