Many viagra erection enhancers problems-choose natural erection boosters

Do viagra erection enhancers problems scare the hell out of you?

Then you would be glad to know there are natural alternatives for increasing sex drive

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Increase sex drive naturallyIncrease your sex drive, boost your level of Testosterone and Nitric oxide-AND satisfy your woman in bed

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What is nitric oxide?

Nitric oxide is the best manhood booster you can find

It was declared the Molecule of the year in 1992

Research into its benefits as a hard erection supplement and for health in general, earned Dr Ignario the Nobel Prize in 1998!

Here is what's remarkable with nitric oxide

Did you know nitric oxide beat Viagra in head to head tests?

AND of all, unlike Viagra..

nitric oxide IS natural and has no side effects!

See, for best hard on, you need adequate amount of FREE testosterone..

AND Nitric oxide

Here is the best product to increase testosterone and nitric oxide for the hardest erection

Increase sex drive without the risks of Viagra erection enhancers problems

You can boost your libido without sacrificing your health in the process

How to have satisfying sex life

There are a few aspects to a satisfying sex life

Some people confuse libido with sexual prowess-they are NOT the same!

Here are the components of a great sex life..

  • Desire
  • Energy/Performance
  • Endurance

  • But..

    ..on the way to this blissful destination, are a few bumps

      • Do you even have desire at all?
      • If you have the desire, do you have the fuel to satisfy that desire?
      • Does you libido take off only to crash land short of your destination and hers
      • Or maybe you suffer from Premature ejaculation
      • See, desire and performance are two different things
      • Do you have the Stamina for the endurance you need to reach your pleasure destination?
      • A lot of men who answer No to one or more of these questions are scared
      • This is why they ignore the health risks of some of those dangerous erection drugs on the market

    Here is how you can avoid the many viagra erection enhancers problems and boost your libido naturally

    A man feels like a man when he meets the definition of manhood.

    For a man, that definition includes being able to  get erection on demand.

     This ability depends on adequate level of the male hormone, testosterone, nitric oxide -and good health

    Health risks of low testosterone

      • Hair Loss
      • Increase in bad cholesterol levels
      • Erratic blood sugar levels
      • Loss of bone mass
      • Weight gain especially in the midsection
      • Low energy
      • Decrease of muscle mass and muscle tone
      • Fatigue and loss of strength
      • Premature aging
      • Premature death-according to research, Low T causes premature Death
      • Depression
      • Mood swing and irritability
      • Erectile problems
      • Higher risk of prostate cancer
      • Infertility
      • Shrinkage of the testes
      • Low sperm count
      • Hot flashes-what is known as Andropause. Yes, men do get hot flashes

    Scary, isn't it?

    But that is not a reason to ignore viagra erection enhancers problems..
    ..especially when there are natural alternatives

    The risks of low testosterone are serious indeed, but in your quest to jack up your libido, the best thing you can do for your health is to choose a natural libido booster

    Any medication that takes from you than it gives, should not be your cup of tea

     And Viagra erection enhancements problems take from your quality of life

     Testosterone level diminishes for various reasons:

      • Age
      • Stress
      • Poor nutrition
      • Unhealthy lifestyles
      • Smoking
      • Obesity etc.

    Causes of low testosterone?

     Reasons for low testosterone

    Here are some of the reasons a man's testosterone level may be low


    Testosterone level diminishes with age.

    This is normal.
    Testosterone levels peak at puberty

     As we go beyond our thirties, testosterone level starts to diminish
     But this does not mean that a man cannot still have normal libido.

    And if he does need to increase his sex drive, he needs to be aware of Viagra erection enhancers problems..

    ..and of other drugs like it, before he decides on a choice of libido boosters

    You may not be able to do anything about the passage of the years..

    ..but a healthy lifestyle can help you get the best erections every time



    Stress is a killer-and that's meant in a literal sense

    Stress is a gateway to a lot of diseases, including erectile dysfunction

    Stress depletes nutrients, can cause weight gain, is a risk factor for depression, heart disease, memory problems, type II diabetes etc.

       Lack of adequate sleep

    Sleep is one of the healthiest habits you can engage in.

    Inadequate sleep disrupts hormone synthesis, throws the body's biological clock out of balance

    Lack of sleep is a risk factor for obesity, heart disease, irritability, mood swing..

    ..and consequently, erectile dysfunction

    Some men who expose themselves to the many side effects of Viagra may just need to get a good night's sleep to get their libido back


        Poor Nutrition

    Good nutrition is required for good health in general and hard erection in particular

    The body needs some nutrients for good testosterone level.

    For instance, the best erections occurs only in the presence of adequate Nitric Oxide

    Would you believe Citrulline boosts Nitric Oxide?

    Citrulline is abundant in Arugula, watermelon, Cilatro, Beets etc.

    With this natural product, do you have to risk Viagra erection enhancers problems to get a hard erection? 
    Testosterone synthesis also requires the right amount of Collagen, vitamin C, Arginine etc.

    If these nutrients are not available, a man may not be able to get and maintain a hard erection


        Lack of Exercises

    Exercises improve blood flow, lift mood, strengthen the heart, tone the muscles and boost libido

    Exercises also lower blood pressure

    High blood pressure is a risk factor for erection problems

    Exercises help move nutrients to, and help nurture the cells

    Unhealthy lifestyle choices

    Unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking, drug use, excessive alcohol consumption can damage cells of the body

    The liver can be damaged by alcohol.
    The liver is the body's detoxifying factory

    How to get harder longer lasting erections

    Hard erection without Viagra erection enhancers problems

    Can you get erection without subjecting yourself to Viagra erection enhancers problems?

    Of course you can

    You don't want to find out the dangers of the blue pill from experience

    Some of Viagra erection enhancers problems are..

    • Damage to the optic nerves

    • And blindness

    As you can also see, some of the risks for low testosterone can actually be cured with healthy lifestyle choices..             

    ..and supplementation with natural testosterone boosters

    The serious consequences of low testosterone is why some men are willing to risk serious side effects of Viagra

    But isn't that a high price to pay?

    A drug approach to boosting testosterone subjects a man to many dangerous side effects

    Health risks of testosterone drugs

    Viagra erection enhancements problems are serious enough, but what about these testosterone drug risks?

    • Kidney damage
    • Liver damage
    • Blood clot
    • higher risks of Prostate cancer etc.
    • Higher risks of heart attack
    • Infertility-isn't that ironic? These drugs are supposed to make you more of the man you are. Instead, it could have you shooting blanks!
    • Sleep problems
    • Low testosterone drugs can make you develop female characteristics such as larger breasts
    • Inhibition of bone growth
    • Lower sperm count and volume
    • Elevated blood count that can cause blood clot and heart attack
    • Acne

    Who knows how many more of testosterone drug risks..

    ..and Viagra erection enhancers problems-would come to light as more and more of these medications are prescribed?

    That's not all either

    Men with preexisting health conditions are advised to avoid testosterone drugs. 

    These include men with heart disease and cancer  

    Who says testosterone drugs are dangerous?

    How about the FDA-the regulating agency that approved these drugs in the first place?

             Testosterone drug costs

    Aside from these side effects-and these are serious enough..
    ..testosterone drugs are not cheap.

    They can dig a hole in your wallet as deep as $500..
    ..every single month!

    Not to talk about the price you pay with your health

    And the risks you expose your loved ones to

    What risks?

    Women-especially pregnant women-should not come in contact with testosterone drugs.

    They can cause women to develop male characteristics


    these drugs can damage a woman's fetus!

    That's not all of the dangers of these bad boys

    Children who come in contact with Testosterone gel can experience premature puberty 

    It may not cost you $500 a month, but Viagra erection enhancers problems are no less serious

    Avoid viagra erection enhancers problems by increasing sex drive naturally

    The best option for a man who values his health is to increase sex drive naturally.

    But beware of many natural testosterone boosters that are anything but natural

    Some of the products being touted as "natural testosterone" contain some ingredients from Erectile Dysfunction drugs-such as Viagra, Cialis etc.

    It turns out that the active ingredients in some of these "natural testosterone boosters" Sildenafil..

    is the same active ingredient found in Viagra..

    ..and Tadalafil, the active ingredient in Cialis!

    Men are scared of Viagra erection enhancers problems

    Then here it comes again, in a new incarnation!

    Aren't these the same drugs some men want to avoid because of their unhealthy side effects?

    How to get the best erections and avoid Viagra erection enhancers side effects

    Want to know how to get the best erection?

     Choose natural

    There are sex drive enhancers that are all natural and do NOT contain sildenafil, tadalafil..

    ..or any of those exotic ingredients that cause those Viagra erection enhancement problems in the first place

    This is how to get the best erections-not subjecting yourself to unnecessary health risks

    But not all men with erection problems need to boost testosterone levels

         Why can't you get hard?

    These men need to find out why their testosterone levels are low in the first place..

    And fix those underlying problems

    BUT, testosterone drugs are NOT the answer

    Some men who have problem getting an erection may NOT need to boost testosterone levels at all.

    They certainly do not have to endure Viagra erection enhancers problems

    Their low libido may have nothing to do with low testosterone 

    And even if their testosterone level is low, why low testosterone in the first place? 

     Is supplementation the best answer?

    Trying to boost libido by any means-without finding out why your testosterone is low, and fixing it, will not make you a stud in the bedroom

    And if supplementation is needed, synthetic drugs are not the best option for boosting your sex drive

    There are so many Viagra erection enhancers problems, that listing them would fill a few pages!

    But, let's try and list some of these

    Remember, these are just some of them, not necessarily ALL

    • Flushing
    • Headaches
    • Gastrointestinal problems
    • Nasal congestion
    • Visual problems
    • Hearing problem


    Now, I need to talk about Priapism..

    Because of all viagra erection enhancers problems, this particular one can cause immediate damage to a man's penis..

    ..and his ability to get erection-not that the other side side effects are not serious enough.

    Priapsm is when an erection persist for hours

    Persistent Erection is very painful, and if medical attention is not immediately available, can damage the penis permanently

    This erectile dysfunction drug carries this risk..

    In fact, their television ads warn men-in passing-to seek medical help if their erection lasts for more than 4 hours!

    That's too much of a good thing, if you ask me

    And we know from experience that too much of a good thing is bad for you..

    even if it is food!

    Priapism Risks of ED Drugs

    But, it is not just Viagra

    It's also erectile dysfunction drugs in the same class..

    ..such as Levitra, Cialis-that have these serious side effects.

    But Viagra erection dysfunction problems take center stage

    That's because Viagra is the most popular of all erectile dysfunction drugs.

    Cause of low libido in some men is low Estrogen!

    And just when you thought you have all the facts about male libido,you don't!

    Here is a new study that throws a monkey wrench into what we thought we knew about increasing male sex drive

    All along, the constant din of testosterone drug advertising on television, would have us believe that increasing low libido in men is as simple as swallowing some testosterone drugs

    Well, you've seen the risks of testosterone drugs as stated above

    You've also seen Viagra erection enhancers side effects

    Low sex drive in some men may be due to low Estrogen level?

    But the greater shock, are these researches who state that low sex drive in men-in some cases-may actually be due to a low level of..

    Are you ready for this-


    The cause of low sex drive in some men, may be low Estrogen?

    Wait a minute-isn't Estrogen a female hormone?

     Well, yes..


    Estrogen plays major biological roles in both male and female bodies!!

     And all along, we've been convinced that if we want to improve bedroom performance, we just have to live with viagra erection enhancers problems 

     Not so, as we're finding out

    Boosting a man's libido-and good health in general-may just require an increase in Estrogen level!!

     Am I kidding?

     Of course not!

    The Power of female hormones

    I am not surprised about the influence of Estrogen on men sexual health, and health in general

    And here is why

    Did you know that every fetus starts out as female-in the womb?

    That is, until a preponderance of male or female hormones, determines whether the fetus is going to eventually be a boy or a girl!!

    Low testosterone Low nitric oxide risks factors for weak erection

    Not that low testosterone is not a risk factor for erection problem.

    It is!

    If you suffer from impotence, you may  actually need to jack up your testosterone level.

     But, what we are told is also important for increasing and maintaining sex drive, is the ratio between Testosterone and Estrogen hormones-

    In men

    See the research for yourself at this link

    Hard erection Estrogen connection

    So, while men are worried about Viagra erection enhancers problems and the risks of testosterone drugs, it turns out they may actually have to think about the female hormone, Estrogen

     But these men would not have had to worry about estrogen level IF they take care of themselves, and maintain adequate testosterone level
     This is because-

    most Estrogen in a man's body is made from Testosterone

    Estrogen on male sex drive and general health

    Estrogen for Men and Women Health

    How important is Estrogen to health, let's count the ways, shall we?

    • Low Estrogen weakens bones in men just as it does in women

    • Low Estrogen actually is responsible for weight gain in those men with low testosterone

    This low level of estrogen is a risk factor for heart disease

    The research published in a September 2013 edition of New England Journal of Medicine, stated that the low sex drive seen in some men, is the result of low Estrogen, not low testosterone!

    Estrogen Link to Male libido

    This may actually be good news for those men who have had to deal with Viagra erection enhancers problems

    Most of the production of Estrogen occurs when testosterone is converted into testosterone

    So, the idea of using Aromatase inhibitors..

    that is preventing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in order to maintain a high testosterone level-is actually a bad idea.. light of the risks of low estrogen in men

    Men actually need estrogen for good sex drive!

    Other health benefits of Estrogen

    Not only does estrogen help in getting a long lasting erection, it also helps in wound healing

     Estrogen is reported to accumulate in areas of injury

     This suggests that men who want to avoid viagra erection enhancers problems should make sure their ratio of testosterone is adequate

      You should also make sure you have adequate level of estrogen

     How can you do that?

     By lowering the risks of low libido and by avoiding the health risks of boosting libido with Viagra 

    Can you satisfy your woman in bed?

    Are you always ready when your woman is?

    You would want to be ready when she is, won't you?

    Of course you would

    So, why aren't you?

    Could it be because of some of these factors?

    Why you can't get erection

    There are several reasons you may not be able to get an erection

    But that you can't get erection does not necessarily mean you need outside intervention-certainly not erection dysfunction drugs.

    You've seen the relentless advertising about your need to increase testosterone levels

    But what are being sold are testosterone drugs.

    These drugs have so many serious side effects you should not take them even if they were free

    The side effects of these drugs are serious enough to even warrant safety warnings from the FDA. Check out why FDA warns about the dangers of testosterone drugs

    In fact, thousands of lawsuits are pending in US courts, brought by men who have been hurt by Testosterone drugs.

    You would not want to subject yourself to the many Viagra erection enhancers problems.

    You've seen the problems these class of drugs pose to your health.

    Health risks of synthetic testosterone drugs

    The health of the men taking these adulterated testosterone boosters can be compromised.

    These artificial products can interact with some medications and cause dangerous reactions

    Some of these testosterone impostors masquerading as natural testosterone enhancers, are actually Aromatase inhibitors-according to the FDA


        What are Aromatase inhibitors?

    These are drugs used to treat breast and ovarian cancers.

    They work by blocking synthesis of estrogen

    That actually is a problem

        How so?

    Because even though estrogen is primarily a female hormone, it is also needed by men.

     In fact, new researches now say that low libido in some men is caused by low Estrogen level as you read earlier in this piece

     The FDA warning says using of aromatase inhibitors-over the counter carries the risks of.

    •  Bone loss 

    •  Kidney failure

    •  Liver problems

    What can you use for Low Sex drive?

    Fortunately, your low libido may be due to factors totally under your control.

    Here is a list of top Erection killers, and we'll talk later about how to overcome them.

    AND, if you do need to boost your testosterone level, there is a natural way to jack up your libido without drugs.
    Remember the FDA warnings about those drugs!
    Remember also the many Viagra erection enhancers problems

    Make sure you download your FREE copies of the Books

    How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction Without Drugs


    Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick

          Causes of erection problems

    • Obesity
    • Problems in relationship
    • High blood Pressure
    • Parkinson's disease-about 30% of men with Parkinson's disease have erectile dysfunction
    • Radiation
    • Medications-chemotherapy drugs, anti-depressants, anxiety drugs etc.
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Diabetes
    • Prostate cancer and its treatments
    • Multiple Sclerosis-about 78% of men with multiple sclerosis have E.D
    • Lack of sleep
    • Excessive bicycle riding
    • Disease of the testes
    • Heart problems
    • Thyroid problems
    • Tuberculosis
    • Infidelity
    • Liver or kidney disease

        Hard Erection without Viagra

    Why is it important to know these erection killers?

    Because you can address the underlying causes of your erectile dysfunction..

    instead of subjecting yourself to the many Viagra erection enhancers problems

    Your inability to get hard may have some underlying causes, unrelated to your level of testosterone

    For example, according to Larry Lipschultz of Baylor College..

    ..erectile dysfunction may actually be a warning sign of heart problems.

    This may be the first signal, that there's something wrong with your heart

    Which makes sense

    The most important conditions for a strong erection, is adequate blood supply to the penis.

    Blood flow to all parts of the body..
    certainly to the penis-depends on the ability of the heart to pump adequate amount of blood, at the proper pressure.

    Every man who cannot get a hard erection does not need testosterone supplement..

    natural or otherwise

    Why do men fall for Viagra hype anyway?

    Is it because they are NOT aware of Viagra erection enhancers problems?

    Or is it that in their desperation to increase sex drive, they ignore the risks, hoping it won't happen to them?

    If you're one of the men who think this way, I have a question for you..

    Would you put a bullet in a gun, point it at your head, keep on pulling the trigger, hoping the gun would jam when the bullet gets in the firing chamber?

     I know you're NOT that stupid!

    Then why would you subject yourself to the many Viagra erection enhancers problems..

    ..especially when the manufacturers actually admit to these side effects?

    You won't knowingly put poison in your own mouth, would you?

    That behavior is even more puzzling when you consider the fact that there are non-toxic ways to increase sex drive

    Here are some of the habits that can help you avoid those Viagra erection enhancers problems

            Best erection habits

    How to overcome erection problems

    Instead of resigning yourself to living with dangerous Viagra erection enhancers problems.. are some of the strategies for getting and maintaining hard penis

    • Lose weight if you're overweight
    • Access the best weight loss product on earth. See how down this page
    • Get a good night's sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, you may want to try Wholetones-a collection of ancient healing frequencies that relax and heal
    • Eat right-Make sure you practice good nutrition
      Zinc and selenium, for instance, are required for the production of sperm, and for testosterone synthesis You know today, we eat more but get less nutrition
    • Stop smoking if you smoke. Smoking introduces poisons into your bloodstream-poisons such as cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde etc.
      Smoking deprives the body of oxygen
    • Stop drinking-If you drink to excess, stop drinking before you destroy your liver
    • Exercise... Exercises benefit overall health. Exercises improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and improves metabolism Exercises increase sex drive
    • Avoid too much sugar. Sugar is implicated in so many diseases
      Most people do not realize how poisonous refined sugar is Sugar is bad enough but then, there are sugar substitutes such as Aspartame
      Aspartame is unhealthy That's not what I said That's what researches had shown
      Sugar is a risk factor for obesity
    • Consume healthy fats. Would you believe healthy fats are necessary for the production of testosterone
      These healthy fats include coconut oil, palm oil, nut oils, etc.

              Hard erection foods

    •  Nuts

    •  Foods high in Zinc

    •  Foods containing Selenium

    •  Foods containing Niacin

    •  Foods with high Arginine content 

    •  Foods containing Citruline such as watermelon

    •  Food that supply Nitric Oxide

    •  Foods high in vitamins especially vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and
       the B vitamins

             Hard erection habits

    Avoid viagra erection enhancers problems with healthy lifestyle

    Are you overweight?
     You've seen that obesity is a risk factor for erection problems.

    If you're overweight, this is the best weight loss product
     No hype, it  just works.

    Click this link to lose weight and keep it off

    You don't want to be forced to endure the very serious Viagra erection enhancers problems, do you?

    Boost immunity for hard erection

     Another risk for soft erection is lower immunity.

    Low immunity lowers the ability of your body to resist diseases

    Ever wondered what humans used before the advent of antibiotics?

    Now that antibiotics are losing their efficacy, governments and medical personnel are in a panic.

    But they need not be-if they would only use nature's wisdom

    Get a good night's sleep for better sex least 8-9 hours!

    Adequate sleep is a necessary for:

    • Good metabolism

    • Good memory

    • Good immune system

    • Hormone production and..

    • Reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases


    Everything in life is in motion.
    The atoms of the table in your living room are constantly in motion.
    That is a condition for existence

     Imitate nature!

    To stay healthy, you have to get off the couch and exercise
     Not just to get a strong erection, but to be healthy overall

    When you do, you would not have to worry about soft erections.

    You would be vigorous enough that you would not have to use synthetic drugs to increase sex drive

    Unlike some other guys, you won't have to worry about viagra erection enhancers problems

                       KNOW WHY?

      Because you won't be using it!


    You can save yourself the embarrassment of not being ready when your woman is, by boosting your sex drive

    With these natural libido boosters, you can safely increase your sex drive and avoid the many viagra erection enhancers problems

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      Click the product links and banners on this page!

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