Best oligospermia treatment to boost male fertility bigger sperm load and more intense toe curling orgasms

Overcome Oligospermia and boost male fertility naturallyBest treatment, best habits and nutrition to overcome oligospermia, increase sperm volume, boost sperm motility, overcome male infertility, improve your chances of impregnating your woman

Oligospermia Definition

   Oligospermia or oligozoospermia, refers to
   condition of semen with a low sperm count and
   low sperm volume that characterize male infertility

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How common is oligospermia?

Male infertility affects 1 in 20 men

That is a percentage of 5%
That may not seem a lot
But when you consider that percentage in real numbers, you realize that's a lot of men with low fertility!

Reverse oligospermia, boost male fertility naturallyBoost sperm volume Increase sperm motility Improve sperm motility Boost male fertility Increase your odds of making a baby

Are you a vigorous male

  • Do you suffer from oligospermia?
  • Do you produce wimpy sperm or viable semen
  • Are YOU fertile enough to impregnate your woman?
  • How is your sperm motility
  • Or your sperm morphology
  • Your sperm count, sperm volume, and sperm motility are big factors in your fertility
  • Are you fertile enough then to make a baby?

What are the causes of Oligospermia?

        That is..

        Why do you have watery sperm?

    Remember, Oligospermia is defined as..

   low sperm concentration in a given semen


How to improve sperm quality and increase male fertilityHow to boost sperm motility, ensure healthy sperm morphology and get rid of oligospermia without dangerous drugs

         So what are the causes of oligospermia

       Several reasons!

1 Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation adversely affects health in general

But fertility in male and female are dependent on a good night's sleep

The Circadian rhythm-the 24 hour cycle of sleep and wakefulness controls several aspects of human animal and plant life

Fertility in humans is a function of good sleep

You are familiar with the fact that

  • Egg production in birds

  • Fetus development in humans..

these are intimately tied to this Circadian rhythm

  • Sleep deprivation lowers testosterone production
  • Lack of sleep disrupts this Circadian Rhythm
  • Lack of sleep disrupts hormonal balance
  • Lack of sleep increases stress level
  • Sleep deprivation causes fatigue
  • Lack of sleep depletes nutrients
  • Sleep deprivation lowers sperm production

2 Poor Nutrition

Your body needs proper nutrition to carry out the thousands of biological processes

These Bio-chemical processes are the reasons you are alive

Lack of adequate nutrition can cause severe Oligospermia

Good nutrition for good sperm to defeat Oligospermia

    Poor nutrition deprives your body of the nutrients it needs for proper functioning

  • Poor nutrition deprives your body of the nutrients it needs to produce adequate sperm volume and concentration
  • Zinc for instance is needed for sperm production
  • Another nutrient for sperm production is Selenium..
    Here is how important Selenium is in defeating oligospermia..
    would you believe that about half of the Selenium in a man's body is in his sperm store!

3 Stress

Stress can kill your manhood..

in fact..


You are a prime candidate for oligospermia if you're under continuous chronic stress!

Increase male fertility
Defeat oligospermia

If you suffer from oligospermia..

even in a mild form, your chances of producing viable sperm that can fertilize a female ovum are slim

Boost sperm concentration and motility to increase male fertilityOligospermia natural treatment to increase sperm volume, boost sperm motility and morphology and overcome male infertility naturally

  Do you have adequate..

  • Sperm motility
  • Sperm Volume
  • Sperm concentration
  • Sperm morphology


   Make a baby?

Even when a man does not want a baby..

he wants to know he could..

IF he wants to

It is a measure of his manhood!

Male Fertility Treatment Products

Boost Male Fertility Naturally

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